Power Programmierung
Power-Programmierung CD 2 (Tewi)(1994).iso
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52 lines
December, 1992
Copyright Hackensack, 1992
INTERVUE is a viewer for the Interrupt List maintained by Ralf Brown.
The program is Public Domain Software and may be freely copied and
distributed. The Interrupt List is avaliable for downloading from
CompuServe and numerous other BBS's. The files are named INTxxA.ZIP,
INTxxB.ZIP, and INTxxC.ZIP (xx = current release no.).
INTERVUE V1.2 is designed to be backward and foward compatible with the
Interrupt List releases, subject to the following constraints:
The Summary File format must be compatible with release 32.
The individual List files size must not exceed 6 segments (393Kb).
The number of List files must not exceed 12.
The INTERRUP.A file header format must be consistent with release 32.
To install INTERVUE, first copy the Interrupt List files, INTxxA and INTxxB,
to a subdirectory on the fixed disk and UNZIP them. Next, create the
Summary File with the following command:
intprint -sinterrup.sum -m -I interrup.a nul
Copy INTERVUE to the Interrupt List directory and execute the program. The
INTERRUP.SUM file serves as the menu for accessing the function descriptions
contained in the Interrupt List files. To run INTERVUE from a search path,
add the following command to the AUTOEXEC.BAT file:
set intervue = drv:path
The 'drv:path' is the drive and path where the Interrupt List files are
located. INTERVUE may then be placed in any active search path.
The following keys are active within the INTERVUE text display window:
Home, End, PageUp, PageDn, UpArrow, DnArrow.
The INTERVUE program is provided by Hackensack, the publisher of INTRCPT,
a Windows\Dos Interrupt trapper and real-time debugger. For information
on INTRCPT and special discounts available to Interrupt List users, contact
Hackensack, PO box 181386, Arlington, TX 76096 or call (800) 325-0345.
[I'm told that the $99 introductory price will be extended indefinitely
for Interrupt List users. --Ralf]
INTERVUE is written in 8086 assembler, uses conventional memory only, and
is DOS 2.0+ and RSIS compliant (DESQview aware).